15 Eylül, 2008

Nelia İçin (For Nelia)

Portekizli bir blogcu arkadaş benim lifleri beğenmiş ve bana nasıl yapıldığı sormuş...ben de kendisine ingilizce olarak resimlerle yardımcı olmaya çalışacağım...umarım olabilirim...

Nelia has asked me how to crochet bath clothes below, I don't know her language so I will tell in English. I hope I will be helpfull for her.

At the beginning you have to make 2 chains. And do a puff stitch in the second chain (I hope you know how to make a puff stitch, I pull 3 times the yarn into the chain). You'll get this stitch below:

Then make a chain, and another puff stitch on the point is shown on the picture below.

I usually make 10 puff stithes but this time 8 puff stitches.

Make a row of several puff stitches and at the end of the row make extra one puff stitches. This will be the beginning of the second row. On this stitch make a chain, after this chain make a puff stitch above (no:1) this puff stitch but do not crochet it together, make another puff stitch near the one you did before (no:2), and make another in the second (no:3)as shown in the picture below. The numbers I give are the numbers in the picture. And pull them all together. Go on like this till the and of the row.

To make the second row turn it back and do all these, as shown in the picture.
I allways make a square, I crocheted 8 rows in this sample. After 8 rows I cut the yarn.
Now we can crochet second color, begin with the second yarn as shown below, and make a puff stitch as we did before. And just follow the steps in the pictures.

Finish the row making puff stitches. At the end of the row make an extra puff stitch. This stitch will be the first stitch of the line next. Do not turn back, make another three puff stitches as we did before as shown below.And go through around the square we made.

And this is all. Go around the square untill finish all sides, this will be your first row, and at the end turn back and make another row. Make rows as you how many you want and cut the yarn and go to third color.

Well it is really difficult to tell someone about crocheting and to use another language is making it harder and harder. I hope I will be helpfull, if you have any questions I will be glad to answer them...

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8 yorum:

  1. selam canım.4 gündür sorun olduğundan gezemedim.şimdi bir ziyarete geleyim dedim.sevgiler...selamlar...

  2. Hello my friend!
    Thanks...thanks for the post!!!
    It is very well explained and I will try to do.

    I think that this pattern will do a beautiful baby afghan!
    good week!

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