Daha önce örmüş olduğum pembe bebek yeleğini Ravelry'de yayınlamıştım. Bu kadar beğenileceği hiç aklıma gelmemişti. O kadar çok İngilizce çevirisini isteyen oldu ki, tek tek vermektense buraya çevirdiğim kadarını eklemek istedim. Umarım yardımcı olabilirim herkese.
The visitors from Ravelry wanted me to translate the pattern of baby dress, I tried to translate it in English and sent some of them. I thought to publish it on my blog would be better solution.
Here is the pattern in English;
Chain 60 (for 6 months baby but you can change the number of chain according to your baby).
1. row: work with double crochet(totally 60 double crochets)
2. row:chain 3, skip 2 double crochet, make 2 double crochet on 1 double crochet of first row and chain 3and make another 2 double crochets on the point.then without making any chain skip 2 double crochet and make 2 double crochet in the 3rd double crochet of the first row. make chain 3 and work 2 double crochet. work till the end of row like this. on the other rows work as increasing on the chart you see on my blog. my project was totally 28 slices (I counted every increased double crochets). On the sleeve rows I crocheted first 8 slices according to the chart then I left 6 slices for the sleeve then crocheted again 16 slices for the back of dress, and left 6 slices for the other sleeve then crocheted again 8 slices.you can decide how long the sleeves will be as you wish and then make this row. I worked 13 rows before I made sleeve row. After sleeve row, you work as long as you want. well I try to explain it english sorry my english not good enough, I hope this will help you. If you have any question I will be happy to help.Below the chart I used